Monday, September 30, 2019

Legal Reasoning

Introduction:This paper aims to draft what I believe to be the US Supreme Court opinion for the case of Brigham City, Utah V. Stuart including the concurring and dissenting opinions. Knowledge from of the Fourth Amendments will be used to draft the opinion or opinions and an identification of particular justices with each of the opinion will be made as much as possible.In as much that the Supreme Court has made the decision (May 22, 2006) on the matter, at the time of theis, this paper is now converted into a digest of the case but still following the structure of the original instruction that is to draft (now to analyze) the opinion (now the decision) of the Supreme Court with the concurring and dissenting opinions.2. Analysis:Facts:   The policemen were responding to a 3 a.m. call about a loud party by arriving at the house in question when the said policemen heard shouting inside said house. They then proceeded down the driveway, and saw two juveniles drinking beer in the backya rd. The police then entered the yard where they saw through a screen door and windows an altercation in the kitchen between four adults and a juvenile, who punched one of the adults, causing him to spit blood in a sink. (Cornell Law School, n.d.) (Paraphrasing made)An officer from the group of policemen opened the screen door and announced the officers’ presence. After having been ignored amid the commotion, the officer entered the kitchen and again cried out, whereupon the squabble gradually subsided. The officers made an arrest of the respondents and charged them with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and related offenses. The trial court granted private respondents’ motion to suppress all evidence obtained after the officers entered the home on the ground that the warrantless entry violated the Fourth Amendment, and the Utah Court of Appeals affirmed.The State Supreme Court affirmed further by holding that the injury caused by the juvenile’s punch wa s insufficient to trigger the â€Å"emergency aid doctrine† because it did not give rise to an objectively reasonable belief that an unconscious, semiconscious, or missing person feared injured or dead was in the home. In addition, the same Supreme Court suggested the doctrine was inapplicable because the officers had not sought to assist the injured adult but had acted exclusively in a law enforcement capacity. It further held that the entry did not fall within the exigent circumstances exception to the warrant requirement.   (Cornell Law School, n.d.) (Paraphrasing made)The issue in said case is whether or not the police may enter a home without a warrant under the given circumstances as described above.The US Federal Supreme Court held that the police may enter a home without a warrant when they have an objectively reasonable basis for believing that an occupant is seriously injured or imminently threatened with such injury. The Supreme Court said:Because the Fourth Amen dment’s ultimate touchstone is â€Å"reasonableness,† the warrant requirement is subject to certain exceptions. For example, one exigency obviating the requirement is the need to render emergency assistance to occupants of private property who are seriously injured or threatened with such injury. Mincey v. Arizona, 437 U.S. 385. This Court has repeatedly rejected respondents’ contention that, in assessing the reasonableness of an entry, consideration should be given to the subjective motivations of individual officers. Because the officers’ subjective motivation is irrelevant, Bond v. United States, 529 U. S. 334, n. 2, it does not matter here whether they entered the kitchen to arrest respondents and gather evidence or to assist the injured and prevent further violence. Indianapolis v. Edmond, 531 U. S. 32, and Florida v. Wells, 495 U. S. 1, distinguished.Relying on this Court’s holding in Welsh v. Wisconsin, 466 U. S. 740, that â€Å"an importan t factor to be considered when determining whether any exigency exists is the gravity of the underlying offense for which the arrest is being made,† respondents further contend that their conduct was not serious enough to justify the officers’ intrusion into the home. This contention is misplaced. In Welsh, the â€Å"only potential emergency† confronting the officers was the need to preserve evidence of the suspect’s blood-alcohol level, an exigency the Court held insufficient under the circumstances to justify a warrantless entry into the suspect’s home. Ibid. Here, the officers were confronted with ongoing violence occurring within the home, a situation Welsh did not address. (Cornell Law School, n.d.)The Supreme Court further added that the officers’ entry here was plainly reasonable under the circumstances. It said that given the tumult at the house when they arrived, it was obvious that knocking on the front door would have been futile a nd that moreover, in light of the fracas they observed in the kitchen, the officers had an objectively reasonable basis for believing both that the injured adult might need help and that the violence was just beginning.The court explained that nothing in the Fourth Amendment required them to wait until another blow rendered someone unconscious, semiconscious, or worse before entering. It further said: â€Å"The manner of their entry was also reasonable, since nobody heard the first announcement of their presence, and it was only after the announcing officer stepped into the kitchen and announced himself again that the tumult subsided. That announcement was at least equivalent to a knock on the screen door and, under the circumstances; there was no violation of the Fourth Amendment’s knock-and-announce rule. Furthermore, once the announcement was made, the officers were free to enter; it would serve no purpose to make them stand dumbly at the door awaiting a response, while t hose within brawled on, oblivious to their presence.† (Cornell Law School, n.d.) (Paraphrasing made)The Supreme Court reversed and remanded the UTAH Supreme Court’s decision via a unanimous decision, hence there, is no dissenting opinion.   Chief Justice ROBERTS delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court while Justice STEVENS filed a concurring opinion.3. Conclusion:The case was unique in the sense that a state court namely the UTAH Supreme Court, which has decided unanimously, was reversed by the US Federal Supreme Court also unanimously. The case involves the interpretation of the Fourth Amendment where there the policemen were upheld in effecting the arrest in the absence of the warrant since the case is case falling under justified exceptions.Bibliography:Bond v. United States, 529 U. S.Cornell Law School, (n.d.), BRIGHAM CITY v. STUART (No. 05-502) , 2005 UT 13, 122 P. 3d 506, reversed and remanded, {www document}   URL l/05-502.ZS.html, Accessed June 10,2006. Florida v. Wells, 495 U. S. 1Fourth Amendment , United States Constitution Indianapolis v. Edmond, 531 U. S. 32Mincey v. Arizona, 437 U. S. 385 Welsh v. Wisconsin, 466 U. S. 740

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Case 1-3 the Coca Cola Co

Case 1-3 Coca Cola Co Coca-Cola is an iconic symbol of Americana that has deep roots in our society and a presence throughout the globe. The brand has permeated into clothing, household items, electronics and more, with brand recognition and customer loyalty rivaled by none. Throughout its history until the late 1990s the Coca Cola Company, based in Atlanta, Georgia, has put all its eggs into the carbonated beverage basket. With scientific advances and an increasingly health conscious public, Coca Cola has been forced to modify their product line to include â€Å"healthier† products and recipes.Ingredients in Coke products such as High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS/corn sugar) and aspartame are now being sold as a healthy alternative to sugar, when they are as unhealthy as sugar if not worse. Although promoted as healthier, independent health and nutrition experts, through peer reviewed research, have scientifically proven otherwise. The Coca Cola Company will need to continue to sacrifice short-term high profit margins for long term growth by re-examining their ingredients as well as further diversifying their product line to adapt to a more sophisticated and informed health conscious consumer.The Coca Cola Company was incorporated in 1892 by Asa Candler after purchasing the brand and formula from inventor, John Stith Pemberton, in 1889 (â€Å"The Coca-Cola Company†, 2012). Throughout its history the company has focused primarily on carbonated beverages with its flagship product, Coca Cola, developed to become one of the world’s most powerful brands (Abramovitch, 2011). In addition to Coke, the majority of revenues are generated from Diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta. Although they consider themselves the â€Å"kings of carbonation† (Cravens, 2009, p. 4, para. 3), in 1960 they began to diversify by purchasing Minute Maid and Belmont Spring Water Co. in addition to merging with Duncan Foods (â€Å"The Coca Cola Company†, 2005). Cokeâ₠¬â„¢s primary business model is to manufacture syrup and sell it at high profit margins to a large network of independent bottlers who in turn sell it to retail outlets. Although this model has helped them to show higher profit margins, it also worked to disguise financial troubles from debt and independent bottler relations (Cravens, 2009).Based on deceitful earnings facilitated by shady, yet legal, financial finagling, plus extraordinary income from buying and selling bottlers, Coke was able to exploit the exaggerated success of the business as exhibited both internally by a dysfunctional culture cultivated by a lingering false sense of success stemming from their glory years, and externally as a 3,500% increase of stock (Cravens, 2009) which in-turn stayed in decline between 1998 through 2007 (Coca Cola Historical Stock Prices, 2012).The profit margins attained during the glory years were predictably unsustainable; however the decline was not based only upon questionable business activities, but also changing consumer attitudes. Although consumer awareness between the diet-disease relationships really began to take hold in the 1980s with efforts by the American Heart Association (Teisl, 1999), due to the advent of the internet, by the mid-to-late 1990s consumers began to awaken to the health issues related to consumption of excessive sugar in the form of HFCS, and the dangers of aspartame (Fox, 2012).This has resulted in consumers moving away from â€Å"sugary, fizzy drinks in favor of drinks with a healthier image like water, teas and other noncarbonated beverages† (Soft Drink, 2010, para. 7) and carbonated beverage sales declining for the past six years (Fuhrman, 2011). Although the carbonated beverage industry is in decline the industry would rather divert your attention by telling you â€Å"the big news is not that the soft drinks category's sales are down†¦but that Diet Coke surpassed Pepsi for the No. 2 brand in the category† (Fuhrm an, 2011 para. 3).Digging further, the only reason Diet Coke took the number two spot is because its sales declined less the Pepsi’s did, and to add to that, this loss occurred in an overall loss of soda market share globally (Esterl, 2011). Both Coke and Diet Coke have shown decline sales. Why? The public is waking up to the dangers of HFCS and Aspartame, two key ingredients in regular and diet soft drinks. High Fructose Corn Syrup was invented in 1957 and was developed for mass production in Japan between 1965 to 1970 (â€Å"High Fructose Corn Syrup†: Production, n. d. ).HFCS is manufactured by extracting corn starch, processing further to produce corn syrup, then adding enzymes to convert glucose to fructose resulting in a mixture anywhere from 42% to 55% fructose (â€Å"High Fructose Corn Syrup†, n. d. ). The danger of corn syrup is due to increased quantity consumed versus ingestion through natural means by eating fruit or other foods containing fructose (M ercola, 2010). â€Å"Fructose is a major contributor to a) insulin resistance [diabetes]; b) elevated blood pressure; c) elevated triglycerides and elevated LDL [bad cholesterol]; d) epletion of vitamins and minerals; and e) cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis and gout† (Mercola, 2010, para. 3). In addition to previously mentioned health issues a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition further makes the connection of fructose to weight gain, and insulin resistance syndrome (Elliot, 2002). The body process different types of sugar in different ways. Glucose, a much healthier form of energy, is processed mostly on a cellular level throughout the body, whereas fructose is processed completely in the liver and converts almost immediately into fat (Mercola, 2010).Although the corn syrup industry claims that at most, HFCS contains 55% fructose, independent researchers upon testing actual cans of soft drinks found they contained â€Å"as m uch as 65% fructose (and only 35% glucose)† (Kaplan, 2010, para. 6). According to the American Diabetes Association, Americans do spend $116 billion on direct medical costs related to diabetes, and with diabetes increasing by 176% between 1980 through 2010 (Crude and†¦, 2011), with fructose playing a major factor in the onset of diabetes someone is bound to take notice.Although HFCS has proven to be dangerous to consume, aspartame is worse (Mercola, 2011). Aspartame was created in 1965 by James Schlatter of the G. D. Searle Company, and took over 15 years to gain a very shady approval by the FDA (Mercola, 2011). Many researchers and top doctors have weighed in on the issue saying â€Å"aspartame causes headache, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma and cancer †¦ worsens or mimics the symptoms of such diseases and conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue and depression. †(NWV, 2004, para. 4).Board Certified Neurosur geon, Russell Blaylock, MD wrote a book documenting the connection of aspartame to macular degeneration, diabetic blindness and glaucoma (NWV, 2004). Due to the brand’s value and customer loyalty the company has been able to rely on its core carbonated products, however as their dedicated customer base ages and dwindles they will find it harder to attract new younger consumers who are more aware of the health concerns of HFCS and aspartame. For coke and the soft drink industry to rebound they will have to diversify and get away from HFCS and aspartame.First they have to get past Coke’s â€Å"Notorious Board† (Cravens, 2009, p. 46). References Abramovitch, S. (May 9, 2011). Apple Overtakes Google as World’s Most Powerful Brand. Gawker (Online). Retrieved from http://gawker. com/5799830/apple-overtakes-google-as-worlds-most-powerful-brand Coca-Cola Company. (2012). Historical Stock Prices. Yahoo Finance (Online). Retieved from http://finance. yahoo. com/q/h p? s=KO&a=00&b=2&c=1962&d=01&e= 21&f=2012&g=m Cravens, D. W. & Piercy, N. F. (2009). Case 1-3 Coca Cola Co, (A). Strategic Marketing. (9th, ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin â€Å"Crude and Age-Adjusted Percentage of Civilian, Noninstitutionalized Population with Diagnosed Diabetes, United States, 1980–2010†. Department of Health and Human Services: Center For Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/diabetes/statistics/prev/national/figage. htm Elliott, S. S. , Keim, N. L. , Stern J. S. , Teff, K. and Havel, P. J. (November 2002). Fructose, weight gain, and the insulin resistance syndrome [Special Article]. The Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 76. 5, 911-922. Retrieved from http://www. ajcn. org/ content/76/5/911. full Esterl, M. (March 16, 2011).Diet Coke Wins Battle in Cola Wars. Wall Street Journal (Online). Retrieved February 20, 2012 from http://search. proquest. com. pegleg. park. edu/docview/857249434/13503185B037A9C16B2/20? accountid =28370 Fox, S. (2012). Using the internet for health information is not the exception. KevinMD. com. Retrieved February 20, 2012 from http://www. kevinmd. com/blog/2010/10/internet-health-information-exception. html Fuhrman, E. (April, 2011). 2011 Soft Drink Report. Beverage Industry. 102. 4, 22, 24, 26, 28 Kaplan, K. (October 26, 2010). High-fructose corn syrup in soda has much more fructose than advertised, study finds.The Los Angeles Times (Online). Retrieved February 19, 2012 from http://articles. latimes. com/2010/oct/26/news/la-heb-too-much-fructose-in-hfcs-soda-20101026 Mercola, J. (January 2, 2010). Sugar May Be Bad, But This Sweetener is Far More Deadly. Mercola. com. Retrieved February 19, 2012 from http://articles. mercola. com/sites/articles/archive/2010/01/02/highfructose-corn-syrup-alters-human-metabolism. aspx Mercola, J. (November 6, 2011). Aspartame is, by far, the most dangerous substance on the market that is added to foods. Mercola. com. Retrieved February 19, 20 12 from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Rhetorical analysis of Martin Luther King's letter from Birmingham Essay

Rhetorical analysis of Martin Luther King's letter from Birmingham Jail - Essay Example The success of The Letter from Birmingham Jail is underscored by it becoming a key text for the United States civil rights movement of the 1960s. A study conducted in 1999 found that the letter was highly anthologized, since it had been printed 50 times in 325 editions intended for college-level analyses, for the period between 1964 and 1996. That King thoroughly used Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle is a matter that is underscored by the whole speech being fashioned in a manner that enables one to see a triad comprising logos, ethos and pathos. As for logos, one can see that King organized his letter well, so as to give it a logical appeal. From the outset, King makes it clear that the purpose of the letter is to make the clergymen that he and his group of civil rights agitators demonstrated because it was absolutely inevitable and expedient at the time. To this end, King uses persuasive and condemnatory tones, as a way of convincing readers to agree with him. King also shows thorough use of logos in order to sustain his argument against the clergymen, in order to establish and support the fact King and civil rights agitators had no recourse to prepare for direct action. There are logical examples that King adduces to this end. Another way by which King uses logos is by appealing to authority. In this case, King quotes Thomas Jefferson. According to Bostdorff, The authority of Thomas Jefferson would compel King’s addressees to listen to him since Jefferson was one of the founding fathers of the United States, the author of the US Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States. It is for this reason that King quotes Jefferson statement that, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, having been endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, [and] that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.† This is an appeal to authority by

Friday, September 27, 2019

Human Resourse Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Human Resourse Management - Essay Example Performance appraisal plays an important role in the success of any company as it helps them to manage the employee’s performance. Through this performance report the management can direct their employees as what is to be done to improve their performances. According to Douglas McGregor, the need for performance appraisal is for the following reasons: 1) It provides a systematic judgement, which can increase the salary of the employees, give them promotion and sometimes the judgement also leads to termination and demotion. 2) Behavioural changes are suggested to the employees. 3) It is also used for counselling and coaching of the individual by their superiors (Deci and Ryan, 2005). Objective of Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal deals with the people as the aspects of the organisation. According to Fletcher, employees see themselves to be the beneficiary when the organisation goals are fulfilled. They are properly rewarded and also get the opportunity for promotion a nd development of their talent. There are three factors that help to determine whether the employees are engaged in the process for meeting the objectives of the appraisal. They are as follows: 1) Perception of the employees that the assessment is fair (Deci and Ryan, 2005). 2) The existing relationship between the employees and the person who is doing the appraisal. 3) The impact of the appraisal of the employees that can lead to reward or their promotion (Deci and Ryan, 2005). The following are the objectives of appraisal: Increase productivity and motivation: It helps the employees to identify their talent and create a plan for them to achieve their goal set for them. Clarity in their work plan creates greater focus on the job assigned to them and leads to better performances and commitment to the organisation. Thus, it increases the productivity of the organisation along with the individual employees. Increase Transparency: Setting the targets and making agreements on the measur ement criteria brings transparency to the appraisal process. For retaining good talent in the organisation: It helps in taking people related decisions for the organisation such as the career development, career planning, opportunities for training and development and succession planning. Good performers are rewarded with promotion, increased compensation and also given the opportunity to groom their opportunity in the organisation. Increasing commitment: It helps the employees to bring good self awareness of the employees and thus increase their commitment for the organisation (Deci and Ryan, 2005). Obstacles to achieve Performance Appraisal The main barriers to performance appraisal are the following: Unrealistic assumptions: Sometimes the appraisal fails to achieve its goal due to the unrealistic assumptions that are set by the superiors. These assumptions are not accurate and make faulty decisions that affect the employees. They sometimes do not conduct formal appraisal as they think that personal opinion is more accurate than formal appraisal. Sometimes managers consider the appraisal system to be perfect and thus they expect a lot from the process. But no appraisal process is absolutely perfect (Coens and Jenkins, 2002). Importance of Performance Appra

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Introduction to psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Introduction to psychology - Essay Example Families, friends and inner attitude of a person to learning are important. In such a way, people will feel more confident in their learning success and self-performance if their inner attitude to learning and surrounding atmosphere and people is favorable for them. On the example of involvement of external and internal rewards, social approval of surrounding people will be discussed further on. Such issues as family understanding, teachers’ and employers’ attentive and careful attitude etc. belong to external rewards, while such issues as motivational strategies, self-esteem development belong to internal rewards In order to create appropriate atmosphere for students, it is necessary to decrease a negative attitude of young people to learning, i.e. to involve external and internal rewards. The role of external rewards can’t be underestimated, because with regard to learning many people feel emotional oppression and social disapproval very often. Having overcome a psychological barrier (internal rewards’ involvement), having reached a strong desire to learning, students are able to concentrate, put them together and learn efficiently. Generally, motivational difficulties prevent students from the learning process. Teachers and psychologists have to put all their efforts in order to fulfill motivational gap, i.e. involve external rewards. It is possible to reach this goal in the following way: to work out interesting materials for learning process; to involve personal charisma of a teacher; to use examples from real life (Peer, 1998). In such a way, students will feel more confident in their learning success and feel a thirst for knowledge. The abovementioned strategy involved in the learning process is an example of external rewards used for students. For example, a practical decision on external rewards’ involvement can be the following: the teachers have to offer such kind of tasks, which may seem to be very easy. Nevertheless, it is a necessary

Network Management - Quiz 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Network Management - Quiz 5 - Assignment Example A strong encryption algorithm is needed such that even if an opponent who knows the algorithm and has access to one or more cipher-texts would be unable to decipher the cipher-text or figure out the key. The secrecy of the key should be maintained and only known to only the source and the destination and protect an attacker from knowing the key. If an opponent knows the secret key then the symmetry cryptosystem is compromised. The attacker also knows the encryption algorithm, which means that he can generate the decryption algorithm by simply reversing the encryption algorithm. Therefore, knowing the encryption algorithm translates into knowing the decryption algorithm. Chosen-cipher-text can be termed as a special form of the chosen-plaintext analysis since the attacker selects the cipher-text together with its corresponding plaintext, thus the plaintext is chosen indirectly. The plaintext block is divided into two halves, L and R. The two halves of the data pass through n rounds of processing and then combine to produce the cipher-text block. The 64-bit plaintext goes through an initial permutation (IP) that rearranges the bits to produce the permuted input. A phase consisting of sixteen rounds of the same function follows, which involves both permutation and substitution functions. Substitution is performed on the left half of the data by applying a round function F to the right half of the data and then taking the exclusive-OR (XOR) of the output of that function and the left half of the data. A sequence of plaintext elements is replaced by a permutation of that sequence. No elements are added or deleted or replaced in the sequence, rather the order in which the elements appear in the sequence is changed. The permutation function implemented in each round is the same but the sub-key changes in each round. Each of the sixteen rounds produces a sub-key by the combination of a left shift and permutation. The output of the last (sixteenth) round

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The last king of Scotland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The last king of Scotland - Essay Example Nicholas Garrigan (James McAvoy), a young Scottish doctor, happens to be in the closest circle of Amin’s followers. In the beginning of the film, Nicholas is inspired by passionate speeches Amin gives at every occasion. People believe Amin hoping that he will lead Uganda to success. Nicholas also sees a prospective leader who can change the country and make it prosperous. Amin produces the same impression on his foreign partners. It is revealed that he comes to power with the help of British ambassadors. Amin promises people that he will take care of them. Ironically, he is aimed at taking care of his life. Uganda’s budget is spent on posh cars, palaces and parties Amin organizes for his friends. He likes people who flatter him. He likes British because he served in the British Army. He has the best cars, modernized hospitals, fashionable clothing while people die from starvation. Amin is an eccentric leader; his personality has something comic and frightening in it. His closest followers have to laugh when he is laughing. His reactions are unpredictable. He likes different medals and titles to such an extent that he claims that he is the last king of Scotland. His tyranny is represented not in politics only but in his relationships with his wives. One of the children of his third wife Kay (Kerry Washington) is epileptic. However, Amin does not allow keeping him in the hospital. He insists that his wife has to lead isolated way of life in order to fact this shameful fact from other people. General Amin is afraid of being killed. He suspects all people that they can poison his food or stand him up. He believes nobody. People who can express their opinion are not appreciated in Amin’s palace. It is the reason why Nicholas is excluded from Amin’s friends circle. His opinions become too humiliating for Amin, who wants to be the best. Nicholas becomes one of the prisoners of Amin’s regime. He is not allowed to leave the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Beach Trinkets E-Mail Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Beach Trinkets E-Mail Policy - Essay Example This policy will govern any e-mail sent through company e-mail system. It applies to all the employees (full-time as well as part-time), interns, clients, suppliers, agents, and other stakeholders of the company. The e-mail policy applies to any location where the company e-mail is used, and includes, but is not limited to homes, airports, and hotels. The Company reserves to the right to make changes to the policy. Any case of changes in the policy will be communicated to the users appropriately. Violation of the policy will be dealt with seriously and may include actions up to and including termination. The e-mail system of the company is meant only for business purposes. Employees may use their e-mails for personal purposes, but such usage is limited to communicating with family members during work breaks only and should make sure that this does not hinder work performance or business needs. The e-mail shall not be used for purposes like job search, promotion of a religious, or a p olitical cause, or for personal gains. However, employees shall save their personal e-mails in a separate folder named â€Å"Private†. This folder shall be cleaned once a week in order to prevent unnecessary load on the company’s e-mail system. Use of e-mails services by companies like (Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail or others) is prohibited. The employees shall ensure these necessary conditions while sending an e-mail: The e-mail messages sent, received, or transmitted using e-mail is provided by the company are the property of the company, and the employees have no reasonable expectation of privacy. The company reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, store, edit, and delete any and all e-mails transmitted via the company’s e-mail system. Any content created, downloaded, or uploaded through the company’s e-mail system is liable to be under company’s scrutiny.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Media and communication theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Media and communication theories - Essay Example The rate of online literacy is increasing day by day. People find different ways of communication. We send SMS messages, we leave the messages on answering machine if the person is not available on phone, we use search engines for surfing, we use scanners, and we create the websites, we communicate via mails to any person. The person from one corner of the world can easily chat with another person sitting at the other corner of the world just through the medium of the computer and internet. The person can share his opinions before the huge mass through blogs, website, pictures, and emails. The new media has occupied almost all the fields. It is the traditional media who sew the seeds of democracy among the people and it is the new media who taught the audience how to become democratic in real sense. Thus the audiences have become active and participative. Here in this paper the main focus is on the role of audience in media production as well as media consumption Communicating the huge mass or creating good rapport with the people has been the major need since ancient time. In ancient time the kings use to propagate themselves through the contemporary traditional media such as sculptures or by building monuments. In ancient India for example the Emperor Ashoka’s rock edicts and pillar inscriptions are the examples of the ruler’s attempt to communicate with the large number of people. The Roman rulers used wall posting including the imperial dicta to inform the public. They were types of news bulletins and were known as Acta Diurna (Daily Acts). Some historians considered them as the first newspapers. On the onset of industrialization the invention of the printing press changed the entire scenario and the newspapers started publishing and thus they became the major source of information for the people. Theatre and other performing arts also played the role of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

All About Writing Topics Essay Example for Free

All About Writing Topics Essay An essay is a short piece of writing on a topic and presents the authors point of view on the matter. It is a pure non-fiction presentation of the writer’s outlook on the topic that is the focus of the essay.1 An essay should be structured in different sections that make it easy for the readers to read and follow the authors thoughts clearly. It is composed of the introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs and the summary paragraph. The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of an essay. It brings the main idea of the essay. It captures the interest of the reader and notifies why the topic is important. Another important part of an essay is the main body or the supporting paragraphs. In these paragraphs, the main idea is discussed. The points are cited one by one to develop the main idea of the essay. Aside from the introductory and supporting paragraphs is the summary paragraph which comes at the end of the essay. In this paragraph, all the ideas in the supporting paragraph are explained through a conclusion. By reading this part alone, the reader should be able to understand the whole idea of the essay.2 Since an essay can describe, clarify, argue or analyze, it has different types.3The four major types of essays are narrative, descriptive, expository and persuasive essays. In a narrative essay, the writer tells a story about a real-life experience. When writing this type of essay, writers should try to involve the reader by making the story as vivid as possible. A well-crafted essay builds towards a conclusion or making a personal statement. The second major type on the other hand which is the descriptive essay, paints a picture with words. A writer might describe a person, place, object, or even memory of special significance. The descriptive essay strives to communicate a deeper meaning through the description. This uses colorful words and sensory details. The third type is the expository essay. This essay is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of a topic. Moreover, in this type of essay, the writer explains or defines a topic, using facts, statistics, and examples. Lastly is the persuasive essay. While like an expository essay in its presentation of facts, the goal of the persuasive essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of view or recommendation. In this type of essay, the writer should present all sides of the argument, but must be able to communicate clearly and without equivocation why a certain position is correct.4 Despite having many types of essays with various compositions, they have one thing in common. All essays are collection of interesting ideas which are thoroughly organized to assure that readers are able to fully understand the main ideas of the essays. 1 â€Å"What is an essay,† 2 â€Å"Parts of an Essay,† 3 Grace Fleming, â€Å"What is an Essay,† /g/essay.htm. 4 â€Å"Types of Essays: End the Confusion,†

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analysis Of Three Theories Soft Hard And Indeterminism Philosophy Essay

Analysis Of Three Theories Soft Hard And Indeterminism Philosophy Essay I am going to compare and analyze the three theories; Soft, hard and indeterminism. I will demonstrate what consequences they have on freewill as well if the universe entire history is predetermined. Strong determinism is the theory that states that every single thing that happens in the universe is determined and governed by the natural law. For example, how earth moves, what movie you chose to see in the cinema. A strong determinist strictly believes that nothing could influence this behavior, in other words our choice or free will does not exist, not even luck. This theory is the strongest theory that supports determinism; this affects freewill very badly, since hard determinism does not believe in free will. This is problematic since how can we have free will if everything is determined and if it is true, would it not create ethical consequences if we have no free will? One might argue that if determinism was true then how can we blame a person who robs a bank? If the universe de termines that he is bound to do that, then he does not have any free will which means we cannot really blame him? There is no right or wrong, nor good or evil if everything is predetermined, this shows the flaws of determinism as a consequence. If determinism may be real, then we are no freer than robots, and since there is no evil or good there is no reason to reward or punish someone. Since this theory rejects ethics, morals and completely disagrees with free will a new concept was created, which is called Soft Determinism. This theory states that determinism is correct; however it tries to make determinism and moral and ethics (and free will) compatible. Since soft determinism believes that everything is determined, it does not believe that our actions are acted freely. Soft determinism in contrast to Hard determinism believes that an action can be voluntary, in other words for something to occur it does not necessarily mean that it cannot have any freedom of choice. One argument may say if I was about to give money to a poor person out of good will and freedom (choice) and then he turned on me with a gun, then it would not mean it would be freedom or soft determinism since I will be forced to do it. An argument would be if a robber were to rob a bank, the soft determinist does not think that his action was caused because he was not free, he did it voluntarily. This theory states that free will is voluntary actions. A hard determinist would argue that this act cannot be free, it must occur. But then again why would the robber rob a bank without any reason? Indeterminism is the theory that states that most events and decisions are occurred by pure chance. In other words, they just happen and have nothing to do with having a determined behavior. They believe that every event is not predictable and this opens a way for us to influence the future and by this we can act freely and have morally responsibilities. The flaw in indeterminism is that if everything happens by chance then free will is unpredictable and happens randomly which cannot hold the person responsible for his choices since he cannot predict when or what will occur. If determinism was true, then it would have several of consequences for free will. Since if we have a determined cause for every action we imply, then our behavior is much like a robot. Since robots do not have any free will and if determinism was true then we people would not either have free will. So by removing all the responsibilities a person have since he cannot control what he is doing, would mean that if someone committed a crime they cannot be blamed since they did not have any freewill. An incompatibilist would argue that if determinism was true then there is no chance of having a free will. Another argument is that soft determinism states that freewill is voluntarily actions, but then again it cannot be free will if our causes are based upon voluntary actions since you are not the first causer. In order to have free will we need to be the first person that causes the choice he makes, so in other words if determinism was true, then we do not cause our choices but that every thing that happens are caused by events and the natural law which he cannot control. Therefore he cannot have freewill since he is not the primary cause of the choices he makes. Finally we come to the question, can we escape the conclusion that the entire history of the universe follows a predetermined path? Well I believe that we cannot escape the conclusion, since I think that the universe cannot come from nothing, and the path its heading is predetermined. I see that everything consisted in the universe is similar to a giant puzzle; if a puzzle bit would act randomly then the puzzle would break. For example, if the atoms in space would act randomly then the end product would not be produced, so every atom needs to have a determined action in order to create things. Just like we have cells in our bodies the immune system is an example, which is consisted of millions of other cells that interacts in a determined way in order to create end products such as; more white cells. That is how I see the universe that our solar system is one cell that exists in trillions of other universes that make up a small piece of the giant puzzle. For example, if my parents ne ver met I would not have existed, so for something to exist there must have been something determine its path. Their genes, education, social life and every factor that have enabled them to meet each other is a direct result of how they met, meaning that the end product is that his was meant to happen. But then, if the future is predetermined then why am I not acting randomly such as deleting everything Ive written so far, draw a huge smile face and send it to MR Hemingway? Well if I was to change the future of my philosophical grade, it would be a direct result of how I am as a person in other words it was meant to happen anyway. The best way for me to think is comparing the universe is with a song, if I pause the song just in the middle I have just heard the past but I know that there is a future that is already determined in that song but it is still unknown, but I can clearly hear that the future is based on the past and this is why I believe that the university is predetermined , and I also believe that in the future we will be able to time travel, just because of this. In conclusion hard determinism denies freedom and believes that everything is determined compared to soft determinism where it still believe that everything is determined however even though our actions are voluntarily. Indeterminism believes that things could happen randomly. All these theories give a consequence to free will, since if determinism was true we would be robots that have no free will at all, we would be people with choices that we cannot decide freely.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Gus in James Duncans The River Why Essay -- James Duncan River Why Es

Gus in James Duncan's The River Why James Duncan’s book entitled, The River Why, focuses around the main character, Gus, and how he changes throughout the book. In this book Gus is discovering what life really is and that the whole world does not revolve around fishing. After moving out of his erratic house he spends all of his time fishing at his remote cabin, but this leaves him unhappy and a little insane. He embarks on a search for him self and for his own beliefs. Duncan changes Gus throughout the book, making Gus realize that there are more important things to life than fishing, and these things can lead to a happy fulfilled life, which in turn will help Gus enjoy life and fishing more. Duncan introduces a character, Eddy, who significantly changes Gus’s views on what he needs in his life and she gives Gus a sense of motivation or inspiration. Eddy changes Gus by their first encounter with each other, when Eddy instills in Gus a need to fulfill his life and when they meet up again, completing his ne ed. Fishing is Gus’s first passion but he loses it after he puts all of himself into it, and when Eddy comes into his picture Gus feels a need to have more in his life, like love. Through finding love he re-finds his passion for fishing and learns more about himself. When Eddy and Gus finally get together, he sees this â€Å"equilibrium† between his old passion, fishing, and his new one, Eddy. Duncan’s use of Eddy gives Gus a new found sense of purpose and to have a more fulfilled life is a critical step in Gus’s development as a character. This is why Eddy is the most important character to this book, because she gives Gus inspiration to find himself. On their first encounter with one another Gus is compelled by her differences in dress, techniques and gear. After she leaves, Gus feels a â€Å"need† to fulfill his empty life. Finally when she shows back up in his life, Gus then has everything he could ever ask for: a beautiful woman who loves to fish, just like him. He explains how he first sees Eddy on page 151 as: â€Å"A barefoot girl. A full-grown one. One who wore the top tenth or so of what had long ago been a pair of blue jeans. One who wore a short, skin-tight, sleeveless sky-colored t-shirt through †¦which revealed the shape of the†¦Ã¢â‚¬  After sneaking his way up to the tree where she sat â€Å"motionless†, not noticing Gus, his attention is diverted, if not comp... ...fter hearing stories of Gus the great fisherman. Eddy sees more in Gus than she thought she would, so she decides to come back the next day to talk. The next day she gives Gus a plan that he must follow of catching a fish with her techniques. He finds his equilibrium on page 274 â€Å"Equilibrium derived from a kind of inner balance: it transmitted itself from the soul to the mind, and from the mind to the body, and when a man possessed of it put his hand to an art or craft he was capable of unheard of feats.† Gus’s equilibrium was his love for Eddy and he states on the same page â€Å"Why shouldn’t love be my Equilibrium? Why shouldn’t love be the forceless force running through the wound and into the fish? Couldn’t love create that sacred balance? Wouldn’t love dissolve all stress?†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eddy also changes as person because she stays longer and longer with Gus, doing all sorts of things together, eventually marrying Gus. They both find their equilibrium in each other. Gus re-finds his fishing passion through Eddy, but looks on everything in a whole different way. Eddy gave Gus motivation to know himself and he fulfills the emptiness. He got the two loves of his life: fishing and Eddy.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Human Heart :: Free Essay Writer

Human Heart Discuss the ways in which a novelist explores the condition of the human heart in a novel you have studied. In the novel â€Å"The great Gatsby†, the novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald explores the conditions of the human heart through relationships that occur in this story. The relationships between Daisy and Tom Buchanan, Myrtle and Tom, Myrtle and George Wilson and Nick and Jordan, all are flawed by the selfishness of individuals and lack of actual love. Fitzgerald compares this to the time era the novel is set in, the 1920’s. This was a time of â€Å"false† security in that the economy was going to stay high forever(the crash soon followed) and false hope in the American dream. The relationships like this false sense of security looked good, but were built on nothing and so â€Å"crashed†. The contrast to this was the relationship between Daisy and Gatsby, although not successful, it was built on something more than the selfish and shallow needs of individuals. The first relationship that is explored in this novel is Daisy and Tom Buchanan. Their relationship is one that looks ideal. Tom is the typical hero, one of the most powerful ends at New Haven, hulking muscle mass (with a personality to match) and very wealthy. Daisy is the very beautiful, soft spoken and witty girl in which everyone loves. Together they perfect examples of the American dream. But as we see at Nick’s first visit to the Buchanan’s, there is a sense of real love lacking from their relationship, shown by their interactions. â€Å"It’s romantic, isn’t it, Tom?† The relationship is based on money and the social scene of the wealthy rather than actual love for each other. But because they are similar characters in the way that their values are built on money and wealth, they do stay together and why Daisy doesn’t marry Gatsby. â€Å"†¦retreated back into their money or vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together,†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Tom feels the lack of love from his relationship with Daisy, but is too stupid to actually realise it, and because that is the relationship he â€Å"should† (according to the American dream) be in, will never realise it. We see this in his restless behaviour. â€Å"†¦Tom would drift on forever, a little wistfully, for the dramatic turbulence of some irrecoverable football game.† This is what makes Tom have mistresses such as Myrtle Wilson. This relationship replaces what lacks from his relationship with Daisy.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Planning and Ethics :: essays research papers

AIM Investments is a mutual fund company that is located in Houston’s Greenway Plaza. Founded by Ted Bauer in 1976, the company has grown from a handful of investors and employees to one of the leading fund companies in the United States with over 2000 employees. This paper will describe the organization’s structure, the communication processes within the organization, and suggestions for solving communication problems. AIM’s organizational structure, as a whole, appears to be dominantly based on the Classical approach. Its strong structure, division of labor and vertical hierarchy are clearly visible in its printed organizational charts. At the peak of the company’s hierarchy is the parent company, AIM Management Group Inc., which is the holding company. The five operating subsidiaries- AIM Advisors Inc., AIM Capital Management Inc., AIM Distributors Inc., Fund Management Company, and AIM Fund Services -horizontally fall below the parent company. Within AIM’s transfer agent subsidiary, AIM Fund Services, there are eight departments. Direct Support Services, Dealer Support Services, Quality Support Services, EPIC, Cash Management/Retail Alliance, Client Services, Correspondence and Retirement Support Services have different, but equal responsibilities within AIM Fund Services. AIM Funds Services does not stray from the vertical hierarchy. At the top of the AIM Fund Services orga nizational chart is the president of the subsidiary, to whom the vice presidents of each department report. Our focus will be within Retirement Support Services. Retirement Support Services’ organizational chart does not differ much from the other subsidiaries. The department is made up of six groups; Automation, Listbills, Transfer of Assets/ Rollover, Surgical Strike, Technical Resources and Processing. Each group, headed by an assistant vice president or manager, has from one to four teams. A team consists of 7 to 12 representatives, ranging in levels from II to V, who report to an assistant supervisor and supervisor. The supervisors have direct formal lines of communication with the manager or assistant vice president. Management attends several meetings weekly to discuss uniformity in policies and procedures and to ensure unity of command. Each team member in every group has formal written job duties and descriptions of policies and procedures. Policies and procedures for processing specific types of requests along with job duties for each level of employee are clearly written on the company’s intranet for all employees to access. Retirement Support Services is a very-task oriented environment. The overall responsibilities of the group emphasize task accuracy and efficiency. Planning and Ethics :: essays research papers AIM Investments is a mutual fund company that is located in Houston’s Greenway Plaza. Founded by Ted Bauer in 1976, the company has grown from a handful of investors and employees to one of the leading fund companies in the United States with over 2000 employees. This paper will describe the organization’s structure, the communication processes within the organization, and suggestions for solving communication problems. AIM’s organizational structure, as a whole, appears to be dominantly based on the Classical approach. Its strong structure, division of labor and vertical hierarchy are clearly visible in its printed organizational charts. At the peak of the company’s hierarchy is the parent company, AIM Management Group Inc., which is the holding company. The five operating subsidiaries- AIM Advisors Inc., AIM Capital Management Inc., AIM Distributors Inc., Fund Management Company, and AIM Fund Services -horizontally fall below the parent company. Within AIM’s transfer agent subsidiary, AIM Fund Services, there are eight departments. Direct Support Services, Dealer Support Services, Quality Support Services, EPIC, Cash Management/Retail Alliance, Client Services, Correspondence and Retirement Support Services have different, but equal responsibilities within AIM Fund Services. AIM Funds Services does not stray from the vertical hierarchy. At the top of the AIM Fund Services orga nizational chart is the president of the subsidiary, to whom the vice presidents of each department report. Our focus will be within Retirement Support Services. Retirement Support Services’ organizational chart does not differ much from the other subsidiaries. The department is made up of six groups; Automation, Listbills, Transfer of Assets/ Rollover, Surgical Strike, Technical Resources and Processing. Each group, headed by an assistant vice president or manager, has from one to four teams. A team consists of 7 to 12 representatives, ranging in levels from II to V, who report to an assistant supervisor and supervisor. The supervisors have direct formal lines of communication with the manager or assistant vice president. Management attends several meetings weekly to discuss uniformity in policies and procedures and to ensure unity of command. Each team member in every group has formal written job duties and descriptions of policies and procedures. Policies and procedures for processing specific types of requests along with job duties for each level of employee are clearly written on the company’s intranet for all employees to access. Retirement Support Services is a very-task oriented environment. The overall responsibilities of the group emphasize task accuracy and efficiency.

Physics of an Mri Machine

The Physics of an MRI Machine. Whitney Wright PH106/006 Dr. Probst 06/05/2012 The Physics of an MRI Machine There are many physical concepts used in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging, also known as MRI, machine. There are many physical concepts used when an MRI is taken of the body, such as; radio waves, resonance and pulse sequences, magnetic fields being produced and lastly, magnets. Radio waves much stronger than the magnetic field of the Earth are sent through the body which causes the nuclei in the body to move to a different position.When the nuclei move back to the place they originated from, they send back radio waves that the scanner on the machine picks up and turns them into a picture. Resonance is very common within multiple branches of physics, without resonance we wouldn’t have television, music or radio. Resonance is also one of the most unexplained phenomenons in physics; it causes glass to break with a high pitched voice, bridges to collapse and also earthquakes ca using buildings to collapse.Within the MRI, nuclear magnetic resonance is used, this is when magnetic fields and radio waves cause the atoms in the body to give off tiny radio waves (Bellis). The explanation of Pulse sequences are defined in a basic way by the article â€Å"MRI Physics: pulse sequences† as ‘the pulse sequences define the manner in which the radiofrequency pulses, which generate the detectable signals, and magnetic field gradients, which provide the spatial encoding of the signals’ (Sharma). When the pulse sequences are used a sequence diagram is used to show how the sequences will occur during the MRI.There are many different sequences available; each used for creating certain images, the most commonly used is the spin echo sequence. When magnetic fields are produced, it means an electron has moved along a wire creating a magnetic field around that electron. When the wire is in the form of a loop, or multiple loops in this case, a very large magn etic field is produced and it runs perpendicular to the field. The magnets within the MRI are known as the primary magnet and the gradient magnets. The primary magnet or permanent magnet is the coiled wire that creates the magnetic field.These coils have to be stored at -450( Fahrenheit within a type of liquid helium. These magnetic fields are between 10,000 and 30,000 times stronger than the magnetic field of Earth. The gradient magnets consist of three smaller magnets within the MRI machine. These magnets are about 1/1000 as strong as the primary magnet and allow smaller images of the area to be produced. These magnets help focus on a particular part of the body (Cluett). There are many other physical concepts that I did not discuss used within the MRI machine.The main concepts are radio waves, resonance, pulse sequences, magnetic fields being produced and magnets. Works Cited Bellis, Mary. â€Å"Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI. †Ã‚  About. com, Investors. New York Times Com pany, n. d. Web. 5 June 2012. . Cluett, Jonathan. â€Å"MRI: What is a MRI?. †Ã‚  About. com, Orthopedics. New York Times Company, 15 Aug. 2011. Web. 5 June 2012. . Sharma, Harish, and Jim Lagopoulos. â€Å"MRI physics: pulse sequences. †Ã‚  Acta Neuropsychiatrica  22. 2 (2010): 90. EBSCOhost. Web. 5 June 2012. .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Benefits of rice wine Essay

Louis Pasteur said that wine is the most healthful and the most hygienic of all beverages. It can give the human body 500 calories that are normally taken from fats and carbohydrates. All these energy is completely consumed by the body and will not add an ounce of the body weight (Lichine, et al. 1968). There are several health benefits that can be derived from wine. Aside from being a healthy beverage, it was said that wine can deter food poisoning. It can help wipe out the bacteria that are responsible for food-related stomach problems. In addition, red wine reduces the build-up of fat cells in the arteries, thus it protects those who are wine-drinker against heart disease. Recent studies in medicine show the positive effects of moderate wine consumption to the heart. One of the popular findings is the â€Å"French Paradox.† France is considered both as land of wine-producers and wine-drinkers. It is one of the countries with highest amount of saturated fat intake which is positively correlated with arteroschlerosis, yet there is low incidence of coronary heart disease (Landrault, et al. 2001). Some of the locally produced wines include â€Å"basi† (sugarcane wine), â€Å"laksoy† (nipa wine), â€Å"tapuy† (rice wine) and â€Å"tuba† (coco wine). On the other hand, she discussed the challenges to today’s wine manufacturers such as production of consistent quality products, competitive advantage in terms of product presentation (packaging, label, closure or seal), innovative products, willingness to work hard to establish a thriving business, protecting the natural flavor of the product, identifying functional properties of the product, expand cultivating area for minor but potential fruits for making wine, and utilization of by-products from wine processing. This type of wine, when compare to other regular wine, contain a higher level of alcohol content. Regular wine usually contains 10%-20% alcohol but rice wine contains 18%-25%. Unsurprisingly, it has way more alcohol content that beer which only contains about 4%-8% of alcohol. It is natural to think that drinking too much of this wine, or any other alcoholic beverage for that matter, is  bad for the body. It will have side effects such as nausea, hangover, blurry vision, lost balance and lost muscle control. The side effects might be felt earlier when drinking rice wine because of its higher alcohol content. However, there are also other health benefits from wine made from rice. It has been tested to help improve the skin’s protective function and also in skin whitening. In effect, it is concluded that rice wine may be a potential protectant from UV-induced skin aging phenomena. In addition, rice wine has also been linked to promote better blood circulation and enhanced body metabolism. There are citric and lactic acids in rice wine which helps the digestion of the food. When food is properly digested, nutrients are better sorted out and transferred to the proper body organ. There is also research that specially brewed medicinal rice wine can have more beneficial effects than other regular wines. Some consider rice wine to be more healthy than wine from grapes because rice wine contains large amount of protein, sugar and vitamin B2. These factors have been shown to regulate blood sugar, plus vitamin B2 supports the liver giving it more energy to assist with alcohol digestion. The kojic acids in rice wine (sake) decrease your skin’s ability to form the type of melanin found in age spots and freckles. If you put sake on your face or use skincare products containing sake or kojic acid, you’ll also find the rice wine keeps moisture in your skin. Turns out it may just be the most bar-and-body-friendly beverage the country has ever built a national and export marketing strategy around. â€Å"It’s low proof with an alcohol content of 6-7 percent,† notes Sung Ki-wook, a director at the Seoul Rice Wine Manufacturing Association, â€Å"so people with a lower tolerance can enjoy it.† â€Å"It contains lots of lactobacilli and fiber, matching the current ‘well-being’ trend in our society,† adds Kooksoondang Brewery spokesman, Shin Woo-chang. Of course, low alcohol content, gastro-intestinal benefits and a tricky nickname have never buoyed a drink’s popularity all that much even during the best of times. Especially a drink derived from steaming glutinous rice that’s traditionally quaffed from an unwashed wooden bowl. Nutrition Facts Calculated for 1 fl oz Amount Per Serving %DV Calories 14 Calories from Fat 0 (0%) Total Fat 0.0g 0% Saturated Fat 0.0g 0% Monounsaturated Fat 0.0g Polyunsaturated Fat 0.0g Trans Fat 0.0g Cholesterol 0mg 0% Sodium 181mg 7% Potassium 25mg 0% Total Carbohydrate 1.8g 0% Dietary Fiber 0.0g 0% Sugars 0.0g Protein 0.1g 0% This wine should be named â€Å"rice beer† because it is fermented from a grain and not a fruit. The Japanese have developed two kinds of rice wine; one being sake and the other a dry one. Red rice wine is a sweet wine, which has low alcohol content. Used in both cooking and drinking. There are three varieties available: Mirin: a sweet wine pronounced MEE-reen. Sake: white wine pronounced SAH-kee. Shaoxing wine: Chinese rice wine. Substitutions; sake or sherry. Chia Fan, Shan Nian and Yen Hung are Chinese rice wines. plural: rice wines Ingredient Season: available year-round How to select: Also sold as â€Å"sweet cooking seasoning† Substitutions: Mirin: 1 tbsp dry sherry +  ½ tsp sugar, OR sherry, OR heat two parts sake and one part sugar, OR white wine and sugar to taste OT white wine. Sake: Shaoxing wine or Vermouth, dry white wine, or dry sherry. Read more:

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Psyc101 Psychological Disorders Schizotypal Personality Disorder The cluster A disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, is not to be confused with Schizophrenia. It is on the milder end of the spectrum but can still have extreme effects on one’s life and relationships. The disorder, which affects nearly 3% of the population, can be defined by several different behaviors and has many symptoms. Unlike schizophrenia, the people with this disorder can acknowledge their behavior but still may not want or seek treatment.A person with schizotypal personality disorder will have trouble with interpersonal relationships and can display what is described as odd or unusual behavior. They are not comfortable in social settings or surrounded by groups of unknown people. Someone with this disorder will tend to be a loner especially if there are no immediate family members around. Due to a lack of social skills or feelings of inadequacy they may never marry nor have children because they c annot relate to others in a normal way.Often characterized by odd thinking and beliefs, paranoid thoughts, distorted perception and a lack of close friends, there are other symptoms as well. One may be prone to delusions or hallucinations, be superstitious or believe they have ESP (extrasensory perception). Persons may dress in abnormal ways such as mismatched clothes or dirty clothes and may not even attend to their personal hygiene.Individuals with this disorder feel so disconnected and distant from the rest of society that some of these symptoms arise as way for them to have something to cling to in hopes of being able related to something or someone. Therapy, including one on one, couple or group, and medication can be used to help someone with schizotypal personality disorder to function. Some of the therapies would require the person to interact and â€Å"bond† with the therapist in order to learn social skills such as trust.A therapist may also try to teach someone wit h the disorder how to correctly respond to people with actions or expressions and can try to alter their paranoid ideas to improve relational connections. Medications cannot treat the disorder, however, certain ones can help alter moods or treat symptoms of anxiety and depression. Individuals with a personality disorder such as Schizotypal may have odd or eccentric behaviors and isolate themselves from others. Many symptoms of this disorder cannot be treated with drugs and with urging people may not seek therapeutic forms of treatment.In conclusion, a person with this disorder can remain lonely and distant with little interaction with society and will never experience the joy and happiness of a â€Å"normal† life. Works Cited Mayo Clinic Staff. â€Å"Schixotypal Personality Disorder. † MayoClinic. com. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. October 8, 2010. Web. October 8, 2012. http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/schizotypa-personality-disorder/DS00830/ Mi nddisorders. com. Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders. n. d. Web. October 8, 2012. http://www. minddisorders. com/Py-Z/Schizotypal-personality-disorder. html

Saturday, September 14, 2019

First Reflective Journal of My First Clinical Experience Essay

This journal reflects my first clinical experience at the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. The experience has made me re-examine and analyze a lot about my path towards reaching my goal and becoming an RN. I felt that being able to touch and feel the working environment is extremely important for a future nurse and indeed for any health care provider. Real life experience is so important in learning. At first I was nervous, not yet to say scared but I found my self curious to know what the clinical setting would be like, how it would feel caring for someone unfamiliar. My nervousness quickly disappeared . I was touched and inspired to see how caring my † buddy mate† was to the residents of Wascana Rehab. There was no one who seemed strange to her, she shared her love equally with everyone. She cared for them like they were all special to her. I was so amazed to see how much a for a stranger. She made each and every resident feels like she was there for them to and not just doing her job. I then realized that no one can be strange if we see them with a human eye and welcome them with an open heart and loving manner, respecting them for who they are. In my childhood I heard about a godmother coming to the world, spreading her love to everyone and making differences in people’s life. Oh yes, I now know I can be that person who can make differences in people’s lives. What is next—-In my next clinical session i m hoping to apply everything that I learned on The first day and will try my best to further explore what can I learn to help me to build a strong foundation for my future dream career as a nurse.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Property Tax Relief Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Property Tax Relief - Coursework Example If the income of the owner is more than $27,100 and equal or less than $40,650, then the section of the property taxes on the residence that goes beyond 5% of the income of the owner can be deferred (Guilford County Tax Department, 2009). Other additional mechanisms of property tax relief used by the state of North Carolina include Homestead Exclusion for the Elderly and Disabled and Disabled Veteran Exclusion. The most effective mechanism is the Disabled Veteran Exclusion program. The program omits up to the first $45,000 of the evaluated or assessed value of the permanent residence of veteran who has been discharged honourably and is totally and permanently disabled and gets benefits for specially adapted housing; the disability ought to be service connected. The program lacks income or age limitation. The benefit is also available for unmarried surviving spouses of a disabled veteran honourably discharged (Guilford County Tax Department,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Comparison of Economics and Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparison of Economics and Marketing - Essay Example Marketing mainly is an art of making a product known to consumers by use of various marketing tools such as pricing and research, product promotions and price setting for a particular product. Economics and marketing are similar and different in several ways (Baker, Graham et al 73). Economics and marketing are similar mainly because of the business context in which they are applied. Goods and services are produced so that they are available for consumers who pay for them. In the economic system of a nation, consumers play a vital part as the target end after production. The key motivation for producers is to sell their products and services to consumers during a low consumer demand. This forms the marketing part of the production. Diverse schools of thought though argue that marketing is borrowed from economics. Trade off involving dissimilar alternatives impacts the behavior of consumers in marketing and economics. The alternatives are necessary for economics in that consumers try to decide on what to buy and not to buy based on unlimited human wants which needs satisfaction with inadequate means. In marketing, it is not just a matter of competing with competitors for buyers, but competition among unrelated different products in the market (Baker, Graham et al 84). This implies that in marketing consumers are convinced in the best brand and in the economic part, the brand has the best bargain for the cash. Consumers are willing to review the price of a commodity before they purchase it. Different consumers have a unique willingness to buying a product. This point explains well price discrimination working. Price discrimination is whereby consumers are buying similar products in the market for different prices based on their ability.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Television in modern society has more negative effects than positive Outline

Television in modern society has more negative effects than positive effects. Discuss - Outline Example promoting truthfulness and as a source of highlighting societal issues and problems but with the passage of time, it evolved into the form of a central piece of global politics. Nobody is really concerned about the reality and everybody is casting his or her votes on the basis of a whim. The whim that is created in public by media (Jansen, Zhang, Sobel, & Chowdury, 2009) and the so-called social workers are promoting their meaningless activities as beneficial acts for the society. The media and television has recently transformed into a curse rather than a blessing in the current point in time (Kietzmann, Hermkens, & McCarthy, 2011). The audience has to realize the fact that media is indeed promoting violence, untruthfulness and even sexism in the youngsters in order to get higher ratings. Based on the above argument, it can be established that parents must intervene in the lives of their children on a deep level so that the damage that is done by media can be controlled and managed accordingly. Jansen, B., Zhang, M., Sobel, K., & Chowdury, A. 2009. Twitter power: Tweets as electronic word of mouth. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology Vol 60 No. 1,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

You should use clear, plain language and specific examples from Essay

You should use clear, plain language and specific examples from readings to describe what anthropologists do and how they do it - Essay Example It is important to understand that anthropology in itself is very wide, involving four main fields that include cultural and anthropology, physical, linguistic anthropology as well as archeology. Each of these four fields teaches distinct skills like development of various extensive sets of data. In their studying, anthropologists often specialize in one area so as to understand the concepts in question (Baca, 45). Additionally, anthropologists often focus on certain populations in specific regions. Others often specialize in studying various cultural practices such as how communities create and manage their social, political and economic systems. This paper examines some of the works that anthropologists do and the way they do it in achieving the goals and objectives of their specific fields. After specializing in the different anthropology fields, anthropologists perform different and distinct functions. For instance, physical anthropologists are often concerned with observing various biological behaviors, which become essential in understanding the ongoing process of human evolution and the different adaptations to certain environments like maternal physiological responses to pregnancy. Additionally, it helps them to effectively examine and understand the effects that altitude has on the fetal and maternal well being, thus performing various comparative studies for the physical responses to the residents in different places. Sociocultural anthropologists often examine the social practices and patterns across various cultures, having special interest in the way people live in certain places and how they manage organizing, governing and creating certain meanings (Gellner 43). One of the hallmarks for sociocultural anthropology can be identified through its emphasis on the participant observations that involve placing individuals in the context of research for extended periods. Some of the topics of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Guatemalan civil war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Guatemalan civil war - Essay Example Guatemalan civil war It is important to undertake a critical investigation into the cause-effect of this civil war and the input of cultural structure of Latin America in this war (Natella 176). Many scholars have explored the cultural factors within the context of Latin America region and how this contributed to the long standing economic oppression and political instability that was the order of the day in Guatemala from early 1960s. Political structure is always derived from the traditions of any community in their ancient socio-political organization and the way of governance and culture of loyalty defines success of any leadership. It would equally be important to consider the foreign influence into the civil war and what they sought to gain. It is also worth to take a look at the community that suffered the full brunt of this civil war and the consequences this had on its relationship with the governing authority to date. Maya community and Indians were particularly tortured, displaced and killed. Further inquiry would also be important in regard to the civil war’s contribution towards present day modernization and democratization and its cost in Guatemala. Critical analysis of the civil war in Guatemala indicates that there were real social problems that compelled some people to revolt against the government. . Research findings establish that there was massive oppression, widespread racism and mass violence which left many people displaced, maimed and killed. The question that many people would ask is the relationship that existed between the government of the day and its citizens in regard to the violent clashes between Neoliberal and Leftist (Coerver, et al.259). To answer this question, it would be important to find the other factors that contributed to this historic civil war almost likened to genocide. United States had a hand in the clashes through their push for capitalism in Latin America. It is therefore evident that there involvement fuelled the problem and explains its length of existence I terms of years. They supplied the government military wing with resources that were used against the leftists. This was a tactical approach towards forcing the citizens to adhere to the government oppressive economic ideologies and promote their interest in the country. This explains the US installation of Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas by Central intelligence agency against the democratically-elected president, Jacobo Arbenz. The later was considered communist threat and acted in the interest of the citizens. At the height of confrontation between the leftist and the government forces, the citizens suffered more in many ways and this soured their relationship with the government between 1960’s and the 1990s (Davies and Fredric 211). Government sought to favor foreigners by taking local people’s land and allocating to the foreigners, dividing to political cronies and completely ignored the plight of common citizens through autocratic leadership. The leftist represented the people as they fought to regain lost property to the dictatorial governments. The neoliberal forces were for the idea of capitalism that promoted extremes in form of wealth and poverty and therefore got much hatred from the citizens. Despite several negotiations and international community’s intervention in Guatemala crisis, citizens still had no confidence in the government and its socio-economic and political pursuits. It is important to note that

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Country Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Country Report - Assignment Example On the other hand, the discovery of oil in the 1940s transformed Qatar (O’Brien, 2010, p.412). At present, it has high standard of living with highest GDP per capita in the world as of 2010 of more than USD 88,000 (Greenfield, 2012). For the present paper a comparison of the fiscal policies and inflation rates of these two countries are considered. Furthermore, in the UK, during the regime of the labor governments, government’s size and spending grew significantly. Compounding the budget deficit Labor government bailout several British banks in 2008 and indulged in massive government’s borrowing (United Kingdom, 2013). In 2010, after formation of Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition government austerity measures were implanted rigorously. In early 2012, the economy returned to recession and growth averaged zero over the year as a whole. In its budget announcement of March 20, the UK govt. decided to stick to its def icit-reduction plan, which is broadly fiscally neutral (United Kingdom, 2013). UK Fiscal Policy and Inflation rate- UK Government’s fiscal plan is underpinned by a forward-looking fiscal mandate to achieve cyclically-adjusted current balance by the end of the rolling, five-year estimate period, as cited in the June Budget 2010. The fiscal mandate directs fiscal policy decisions over the medium term, ensuring that the Government sets plans steady with a reduction in the structural deficit. The fiscal mandate is based on: †¢ A cyclically-adjusted aggregate, to allow some fiscal elasticity at times of economic uncertainty; †¢ A rolling five-year forecast period, to ensure that fiscal consolidation is delivered over a realistic and probable timeframe; and †¢ The current balance, to protect the most productive public investment expenditure. The establishment of Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has significantly enhanced the credibility of the UK’s fisca l framework by ensuring that the Government’s fiscal policy decisions are based on independent forecasts for the economy and public finances (Copy of the Budget Report, 2013 p12). Figure-1  (Deficit, national debt and government borrowing - how has it changed since 1946? 2013) UK inflation has been above target since December 2009 and the central bank has quoted this as one reason for not resumption of its bond repurchase program. High inflation has had an erosive impact on the UK economy, reducing households’ disposable income Approximately a 40% rise in food prices and the impact of rising oil and commodity prices coupled with a weakening pound, plus hikes to VAT [sales tax] and tuition fees took a huge toll on the high street (Katrina, 2013). Figure-2  Source: United Kingdom Inflation Rate, 2013 Qatar’s Fiscal policy and inflation rate- While many advanced world economies were twirling under severe recession in the recent past, Qatar has taken head on, th e global financial crisis, reflecting timely and focused policy response by the authorities. The considerable advancement of liquefied natural gas capacity, large government support to the banking system, and increase in public spending helped Qatar in sustaining high growth rates. Heavy investment in liquefied natural gas (LNG) production capacity and increases in LNG production over the last couple of years have been the main drivers of Qatar’s robust growth (Qatar Economic Statistics at a Glance, 2012,p.4) Figure-3  (Qatar Economic

TOPIC C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

TOPIC C - Essay Example I can imagine how crucial it would be to develop analytical skills and train creative faculties of mind for every engineer who is bound to pursue a career in the industry where it takes pure heart and determination to exercise potentials toward achieving optimum results. Besides scholastic endeavour, I could foresee much fruitfulness in active participation through extra-curricular activities by which to become disposed to communicating with different kinds of people with diverse educational orientation and cultural background. This would enable socialization that is vital to my growth as an engineering student in need of learning via individual effort and that derived from dynamic human relation, in equal measures. Engaging in organizations that facilitate such activities may direct me to satisfy professional aims in the light of understanding the world better and know thereafter what I can do at best to serve it as I discover rich source of ideas and values to obtain and impart by means of constant interaction with others, in and out of the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Essay Example for Free

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Essay The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) is an agency of the Government of the Philippines responsible for opening the benefits of the overseas employment program of the Philippines. It is the main government agency assigned to monitor and supervise recruitment agencies in the Philippines. The POEAs office is located at EDSA corner Ortigas Avenue, Mandaluyong City, Philippines. The POEA has an organizational structure with the POEA Governing Board at the top. The Secretary of Labor and Employment heads the Governing Board, and the POEA Administrator as vice-chairman and representatives from the private, women, sea-based and land-based sectors as members. The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration was established in 1982 through Executive Order No. 797. The goal of the agencys establishment was to promote and monitor the overseas employment of Filipino workers. The POEA was reorganized in 1987 through Executive Order No. 47 in order to respond to changing markets and economic conditions, and to strengthen components that would protect Filipino workers and the regulatory components of the overseas employment program The Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 instituted State policies of overseas employment and established standards for protection and promotion of welfare for migrant workers and their families, and for overseas Filipinos in distress. The act specifies, Migrant worker refers to a person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a state of which he or she is not a legal resident; to be used interchangeably with overseas Filipino worker. Regarding deployment of migrant workers, the act mandates, The State shall deploy overseas Filipino workers only in countries where the rights of Filipino migrant workers are protected In 2010, Republic Act No. 10022 amended some of these provisions, including those quoted above. Among other changes, the paragraph defining the term Migrant worker was amended to read, Overseas Filipino worker refers to a person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a state of which he or she is not a citizen or on board a vessel navigating the foreign seas other than a government ship used for military or non-commercial purposes or on an installation located offshore or on the high seas; to be used interchangeably with migrant worker. , and the introductory text regarding deployment was amended to read, The State shall allow the deployment of overseas Filipino workers only in countries where the rights of Filipino migrant workers are protected. The POEA is an attached agency of the Department of Labor Employment (DOLE) tasked to manage the country’s labor migration program. Their vision: Excellence in governance for world-class Filipino migrant workers. While regarding their mission: POEA connects to the world, and, in partnership with all stakeholders, facilitates the generation and preservation of decent jobs for Filipino migrant workers, promotes their protection and advocates their smooth reintegration into Philippine society. Structure The POEA Administrator oversees the daily operations of the agency and is supported by three deputy administrators. The Deputy Administrator for Employment and Welfare oversees the Pre-Employment Services Office and the Welfare and Employment Office. Under the Deputy Administrator for Adjudication and Employment Regulation are the Licensing and Regulation Office and the Adjudication Office. The Deputy Administrator for Management handles the general administrative and support services of the administration. The POEA has three (3) Regional Centers which are located in La Union for Luzon, Cebu for the Visayas region and Davao for the Mindanao area. Regional Extension Units are in Baguio-Cordillera Administrative Region, Iloilo, Cagayan de Oro and Zamboanga while satellite offices are located in Pampanga, Calamba, Laguna, Legaspi, Bacolod and Tacloban. Core Functions In terms of Industry Regulation, it issues license to engage in overseas recruitment and manning to private recruitment agencies and ship manning companies. Hears and arbitrates complaints and cases filed against recruitment and manning agencies, foreign principals and employers, and overseas workers for reported violation of POEA rules and regulations, except for money claims. They also implement a system of incentives and penalty for private sector participants and sets minimum labor standards. Monitors overseas job advertisements on print, broadcast and television and lastly supervises the government’s program on anti-illegal recruitment. And lastly imposes disciplinary actions on erring employers and workers and seafarers. Regarding their employment facilitation, they accredits/ registers foreign principals and employers hiring Filipino workers, approves manpower requests of foreign principals and employers, evaluates and processes employment contract, assists departing workers at the ports of exit, develops and monitors markets and conducts market research, conducts marketing missions, enters into memorandum of understanding on the hiring of Filipino workers with labor–receiving countries facilitates the deployment of workers hired through government-to-government arrangement and lastly they provides a system of worker’s registry. On provision of on-site remedies to OFWs to file complaints against employer or agency, OFWs may file complaints for violations of POEA rules against principal, employer, and/or Philippine recruitment agency at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office s (POLOs). Worker’s Protection The company (POEA), intensifies public education and information campaign, conducts pre-employment orientation and anti-illegal recruitment seminars nationwide, conducts Pre-Deployment Orientation Seminars (PDOS) to workers hired through the government-to-government arrangement and name hires, provides technical assistance in the drafting of bilateral and multilateral greement, provides legal assistance to victims of illegal recruitment, prepares OFW global mapping and profiling, implements gender-sensitive programs, networks with non-government organizations, workers’ organizations, etc. And they provides repatriation assistance Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, composed also the Ge neral Administration and Support Services which includes Human Resources Development, Property and Supplies Management, Financial Management, Information and Communication Technology, Plans and Policy Development and Quality Management System Summary of Activities The trainee completed a total of Two Hundred Forty Hours (240) of internship in Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA). The first day of on-the-job training (OJT) of the trainee started on the 15th day of April. On the first day, she’s quite excited and nervous of what she’ll do on the company and on what department or division we’ll she assigned. On the next day, the trainee deployed on her respective department together with her two co-trainees, she was assigned at the â€Å"Cash Division†. This department’s job is divided into two: first, the department collects payment of OFW’s, agencies other contractor connected to POEA, secondly the department also assigned in releasing of checks. It’s superior because the trainee was assigned based on her path. During her training days, the trainee practice herself to wake up early in the morning just to be on time and until now her so proud to herself because she maintains it. The first task assigned was to segregate of used official receipts and filing vouchers by its nature. Before the trainee does the entire job, her person in charge, well-informed first before they allowed performing what operation she’ll have to do. On the first week, she was also assigned to balance and record to the journal the collection report per collecting officer. They do this job weekly. After balancing and recording, the trainee encode the collection report in the course of which it includes; HDMF, BMAD, OWWA, PHILHEALTH. But regularly, the trainee performed releasing of checks, answering phone calls, receiving vouchers and recording those checks by its nature from the office n charge (OIC) unto General fund (salaries of employees), MDS Trust (claimants), LBP trust (payments for the service rendered by POEA). She was also assigning to photocopy some documents, filing the vouchers of the clients and designate to sign the clients on the voucher for the proof that the checks have been received. Regarding the participation, the trainee participate as a cashier 1 on the dep artment when the time comes that some employees are not present. She acts as a cashier because there are a lot of OFW’s who made their payments on their department. During the training at POEA, the trainee learned to interact with other people especially to her co-trainees came from different States, Universities Colleges. We know that people have different characteristics and attitudes; however making friends with the trainee’s co-workers doesn’t make difficult. From the interaction the trainee made with them, the later learned to work with patience. She also learned from her co-worker’s experiences and mistakes and applies them whenever she needed it. The setting also on the department get pleasure from her employer’s because the entire person above her was so accommodating, supportive and concerned to her. They also encourage the trainee to go on with her studies until she become a professional. It was a good experienced for her to train her ability on the POEA. The trainee also well-read how to be converted into a hardworking person and be on time, pursue the policy and information that are specified to them. All of what she learned in the company will brought her sooner or later, especially when she’s on a veracity of employment. And she’s so grateful that at least in some way, for a short period of time, she became a part of the company (POEA). Recommendation to the Company The company created a good service to their clients and gave the best training for the students. The trainee highly recommends to the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration to increase their employees/ manpower in every division. We all know that almost thousands of people, especially OFW’s reports and go to the company. The trainee easily observed that the company must focus in terms of their manpower so that they must attain their general objectives which assigned as quickly as they can monitor and supervise recruitment agencies in the Philippines. Recommendation to the School Based on what she have experienced, it’s hard to have an on the job training in far places because it’s too exhausting and costly, for the reason that most of the companies doesn’t offer salary or allowance for their student trainees. That’s why they have to shoulder all the expenses from foods, house up to the other essential that they need. What can she recommend is that, they should allow students to have their on the job training within Cavite because she believe that it is more progressive than before. There are lots of big companies and banks now that can also help students to develop their ability and comprehension and be more competitive someday.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Advantages Of Unit Banking Essay Example for Free

Advantages Of Unit Banking Essay 1.Local Development:Unit banking is localized banking. The unit bank has the specialised knowledge of the local problems and serves the requirements of the local people in a better manner than branch banking. The funds of the locality are utilised for the local development and are not transferred to other areas 2.Promotes Regional Balance:Under unit banking system, there is no transfer of resources from rural and backward areas to the big industrial commercial centres. This tends to reduce regional in balance. 3.Easy Management:The management and supervision of a unit bank is much easier and more effective than that under branch banking system. There are less chances of fraud and irregularities in the financial management of the unit banks. 4.Initiative in Banking Business:Unit banks have full knowledge of and greater involvement in the local problems. They are in a position to take initiative to tackle these problems through financial help. 5.No Monopolistic Tendencies:Unit banks are generally of small size. Thus, there is no possibility of generating monopolistic tendencies under unit banking system. 6.No Inefficient Branches:Under unit banking system, weak and inefficient branches are automatically eliminated. No protection is provided to such banks. 7.No diseconomies of Large Scale Operations:Unit banking is free from the diseconomies and problems of large-scale operations which are generally experienced by the branch banks. 8.Easy Management and Control:Under unit banking system, it becomes very easy for a single office to manage and control efficiently. 9.Close Management and Workers Relationship:Under unit banking system, there prevails a close and cordial relationship between employer and employees. 10.Quick Decision:The owners or the management of unit banks can take quick decision and prompt action in times of emergencies. 11.Use of Local Resources:Local financial resources are used for local development. 12.Lesser Fraud and Irregularities:Due to the less scattered affairs of the bank, there are very little possibilities of fraud and irregularities. Disadvantages Of Unit Banking: 1.No. Distribution of Risks:Under unit banking, the bank operations are highly localised. Therefore, there is little possibility of distribution and diversification of risks in various areas and industries. 2.Inability to Face Crisis:Limited resources of the unit banks also restrict their ability  to face financial crisis. These banks are not in a position to stand a sudden rush of withdrawals. 3.No Banking Development in Backward Areas:Unit banks, because of their limits resources, cannot afford to open uneconomic banking business is smaller towns and rural area. As such, these area remain unbanked. 4.Lack of Specialization:Unit banks, because of their small size, are not able to introduce, and get advantages of, division of labor and specialization. Such banks cannot afford to employ highly trained and specialized staff. 5.Costly Remittance of Funds:A unit bank has no branches at other place. As a result, it has to depend upon the correspondent banks for transfer of funds which is very expensive. 6.Disparity in Interest Rates:Since easy and cheap movement of does not exist under the unit banking system, interest rates vary considerably at different places. 7.Local Pressures:Since unit banks are highly localised in their business, local pressures and interferences generally disrupt their normal functioning. 8.Undesirable Competition:Unit banks are independently run by different managements. This results in undesirable competition among different unit banks. 9.Limited Size of Operation:Unit bank business can not be operated on large scale because of its limited area. Being the small organisation, division of labour can not be applied. 10.No Economy of Reserves:Under unit banking, bank can not transfer its funds to any other branch. So economy in cash reserve can not be secured under this system. 11.Limited Financial Resources:A unit bank has limited financial resources so it is not able to provide full and adequate banking facilities to the industry and trade of the area. 12.Investment of Idle Funds:A unit bank having no other branches, can not utilize its idle funds in profitable ways.